Sunday, June 24, 2012

Can one ever save enough?

When I was in primary school, I sat down for the first time to watch one of my all time favourite movies “Homeward Bound.” So amazed by the scenery and story of these 3 loyal family pets that I decided I had to have one. As we were a feline friendly family I told my mum that I wanted the fluffy white and brown cat from the film.

It was at this point in time she sat me down to explain and demonstrate the value of money. She explained that most of the things I want in life will involve an exchange of money, that money doesn’t grow from the fingers of other people, and that there are more important things than money in life.

Following this I collected every bit of coin left over from lunch money, every cent found amongst the couch cushions and every note from birthday cards I could get my hands on. Every time my mother would tell me that I did not have yet have enough for my kitten, but enough for other things, I learnt that you have to be patient to get what you want in the end and stick to it.

Eventually the day came when my mother drove me to make my first big and independent financial exchange, and it feels like I’ve been counting coins ever since. Minus the car crash on the way of course…. Unless the flood and fire fall into the same delayed gratification category of events.

Since then I’ve always been saving for travel and tucking savings away for a rainy day. Now that my big trip is finally on the horizon, I am beginning to become more anxious about my ability to support myself overseas and handing my power of independence over to fate. 

It will be the first time in 10 years I will not have an income nor 
any savings for my safety net as I’m cashing it all in.

Many “what if” questions are starting to circle around my head, especially  those stating “what if you’re not as prepared as you thought you were… you’ll have to come back sooner than you’d like?”
“What if you’re not as independent as you thought you were or need to be?”

I know there are plenty of other more positive thoughts I could be dedicating my energy to. One can never have enough money for Europe right?! Reading over this blog I think it has been more a therapeutic vent to voice my fears so that I am able to take the next step with a better footing.

So I will prepare as much as possible, take a deep breath and relax.
After all, I want this to be fun and I swim well in deep water.

1 comment:

  1. I came back with 2 euro in my pocket and 30c on my CC.
    I only wanted enough so the universe made sure I had exactly enough.

    I had one month at the end where my mother loaned my $50 AUD per week for food as my work got cut short and she wanted me to relax during my final month instead of stressing over finding new work. This was enough, and I spent my days walking and exploring, talking with locals and soaking up the sun on the beach in Nice before heading to Paris for a final few days.
    I paid her back as soon as I returned home and found work, which was well within my means.

    You will only get what you want if you believe you will get it.
